Very impressive that you’ve made it this far into the website! As your reward, you may now kill up to half an hour listening to Paul’s favorite Fake Commercials over the years. Each week on his radio show, Paul produced a commercial for a fictitious company or product, and listeners had to guess which one was the phony. It was not a hard contest. Paul wrote and voiced the following 30 fake spots. Feel free to click and giggle…


Johnny Clobber

Political Ad Syndrome 
Guys Who Sound Like Girls Collection
Barbra's Videos 
Guzzlers Motors 
Parker Nightengale 
Minelli Muffler 
Handsome Plumber 
TV Sweeps 
Wittenberg Movie 
Crystal Club 
Citizens Colonial Air 
Drink Number Beer 
Ear Hair 
Gypsy Car Wash 
Hotwire House 
One Cent Store 
Pacific Termination 
Regular DuLay for the Governor 
Royal Sewage 
Saggy Pants Outlet 
Spanky's Dance Club
Stetson Gum 
Carnivore Store 
MPS Introductions 
Loomis Lincoln Mercury 
Monkey Fear 

JJ Social Slider